'The Siren' by Kiera Cass Cover Reveal!

I am so deeply in love with all of Kiera Cass's book covers!! They're all so beautiful, with the pretty dresses and the pretty colours! <3 I don’t think I could ever find a fault with any of them!
Recently, the cover for The Siren by Kiera Cass was released. I had already heard of this novel when I read The Selection, but I didn’t know it was going to be re-released (it was first published in 2009, for those of you who don't know)!
Although Keira Cass isn't one of my favourite authors, her books never fail to make me fall in love. The Selection series was more of a guilty pleasure for me because of its similarities to The Bachelor TV show, but I'm hoping this book will be different!
Plus, it sounds like the perfect book to read in the summer, so why not give it a try! :)

Here's the synopsis from GoodReads:

"You must never do anything that might expose our secret. This means that, in general, you cannot form close bonds with humans. You can speak to us, you can always commune with the Ocean, but you are deadly to humans. You are, essentially, a weapon. A very beautiful weapon. I won't lie to you, it can be a lonely existence, but once you are done, you get to live. All you have to give, for now, is obedience and time..."

The same speech has been given hundreds of times to hundreds of beautiful girls who enter the sisterhood of sirens. Kahlen has lived by these rules for years now, patiently waiting for the life she can call her own. But when Akinli, a human, enters her world, she can't bring herself to live by the rules anymore. Suddenly the life she's been waiting for doesn't seem nearly as important as the one she's living now.

This book will be released on the 26th of January 2016!

QOTD: What is/was one of your highly anticipated books of 2015?

Here's a random fact that some of you may or may not know: Saga is one of my favourite book series EVER!!

If you're a bit unsure of what this series is about, here's a brief description:
In the midst of a intergalactic battle, rivals Alana and Marko find themselves falling into an unexpected, forbidden relationship. They escape together from the worlds they once lived and they enter into a secret new life. Before long, a baby comes into the picture and along with it comes all of the eyes of people who had been hunting them down for their escape.
The hunt for Alana and Marko's heads increases as more and more people discover their rebellion against their own people. A large group of bounty hunters are hired to kill the lovely couple before the people find out about their spreading rebellion.
This fantastic graphic novel is full of fantastic art, sarcastic dialogue, and bad-ass fight scenes!
I would HIGHLY recommend for everyone to read this graphic novel series!! (but not if you're under 18! This series is 18+ because of horrific content that may scare young readers and sexual content.)

For those of you who do know this series and have read it, you'll know how painful the cliffhangers are at the end of each volume!! They leave you feeling so heartbroken and desperate for more!!
When I first read this book, I had borrowed the first three volumes from the library so I didn't really have the issue of finishing a volume and crying in pain because I didn't have the next one.
Volume 3 ended in a pretty calm way, so I didn't feel too desperate to read Volume 4 until about a month ago.
I brought it and read it in one day, and OH MY GOSH THAT CLIFFHANGER KILLED ME EVEN MORE THAN THE OTHER ONES DID!!! And do you know whats even worse? Volume 5 doesn't come out until October...

So, I think its safe to say that Saga, Volume 5 is definitely one of my highly anticipated books of 2015! I just can't wait to see all of my favourite characters come to life again!

Some of my other highly anticipated books include: The Fate of Ten (I Am Number Four, #6) and Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4).

What is/was your highly anticipated book of 2015?


'The Little Prince' by Antoine De Saint-Exupery (Review #5)

Rating: 4.5 Stars

"When you look up at the sky at night, I shall be living on one of them and laughing on one of them, for you it will be as if all the stars were laughing. You and you only will have stars that can laugh!"

The Little Prince is probably one of my favourite reads from this year! 
It is a truly beautiful novel filled with so many chests of hidden treasure that really get you thinking about so many aspects of your life!

I can't go into too much detail of what this novel is about because I don't want to risk spoiling it, but I can tell you that it involves a plane crash in the middle of the desert, a little prince who loves a flower, and many different types of 'grown-ups.'

This novel is said to be a children's book, but I strongly believe it is also a book that can be read and enjoyed by adults as well! There are hidden messages and secrets scattered all throughout this novel, some are ones that only adults would be able to understand. 

"Grown-ups are certainly absolutely extraordinary."

A majority of the novel includes the little prince travelling from planet to planet, encountering different types of 'grown-ups,' before finally making his way to Earth.
These grown-ups that the little prince meets are all very familiar to you as you're reading about their different personalities. You start to realise that you know people like this in real life. This (for me) was quite confronting and made me really think about what kind of 'grown-up' I am growing up to become. 

There were many parts of this novel that I could relate to which made reading it even more enjoyable! I would occasionally get a bit confused about what was happening, but it wasn't very often and it didn't last for very long before things were explained clearly.

There wasn't a section of this novel that I can call my favourite! I loved every part of this beautiful story! 
This novel is a piece of treasure itself, a rare gem that both children and adults can enjoy!
I HIGHLY recommend this book to EVERYONE! There is no one in this world that this book wouldn't suit! I think that everyone would be able to read this and get their own personal message out of it!

P. S. That fox was probably my favourite animal character that I've ever read about! It even tops dragons!
(Actually, no, thats a lie. Nothing could ever top dragons!) 


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Currently Reading #2)

After much thought, I decided that I should attempt to finally finish this book this month. I first started reading it a few months ago and after reaching the half-way point, I found myself getting distracted by other books and I was not able to finish this book.

I had heard many amazing things about this book when I first brought it, but when I was reading, I felt a little let down because I didn't find it as 'amazing' as people said it was going to be.
I am still curious as to why people love this book so much, and I think the only way to find that out is to finally finish it.

While I didn't enjoy the book as much as I thought I would, I still find myself caring about the characters a lot and I'm wondering what happens to them. I can't seem to decide who I care about more, though, Aristotle or Dante... Maybe my decision will be final when I finish the book!

Do you think this book lives up to the hype it's given? Who's your favourite, Aristotle or Dante?

I'm finding that as I am now coming towards the end of my school life, I am having a lot more time to read. Over the last few months I have really struggled with being able to read books because of major assignments that have been due, but now that all of them are over, I can finally read as much as I like!
I think this month I will be trying to finish all of my unfinished books that I've started to read during the year, but had to give up due to lack of time.

The Little Prince (Currently Reading #1)

I first brought this book back in May when I was in a terrible reading slump. I really wanted to get into reading it as soon as possible, but I just couldn't get into it.
I've heard so many amazing things about it and I'm also looking forward to watching the new movie adaption of the novel! I thought that it was about time I give this book a read so that I can understand why everybody loves it so much!

Also, I made an origami butterfly! I will be doing a tutorial on how to make one soon so that you can all try making one yourself!
I've been really into origami lately so I'll probably be doing a few tutorials following the butterfly one, we'll have to see! :)

Have you read this book? What did you think? Are you looking forward to the movie adaption?

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