Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Currently Reading #2)

After much thought, I decided that I should attempt to finally finish this book this month. I first started reading it a few months ago and after reaching the half-way point, I found myself getting distracted by other books and I was not able to finish this book.

I had heard many amazing things about this book when I first brought it, but when I was reading, I felt a little let down because I didn't find it as 'amazing' as people said it was going to be.
I am still curious as to why people love this book so much, and I think the only way to find that out is to finally finish it.

While I didn't enjoy the book as much as I thought I would, I still find myself caring about the characters a lot and I'm wondering what happens to them. I can't seem to decide who I care about more, though, Aristotle or Dante... Maybe my decision will be final when I finish the book!

Do you think this book lives up to the hype it's given? Who's your favourite, Aristotle or Dante?

I'm finding that as I am now coming towards the end of my school life, I am having a lot more time to read. Over the last few months I have really struggled with being able to read books because of major assignments that have been due, but now that all of them are over, I can finally read as much as I like!
I think this month I will be trying to finish all of my unfinished books that I've started to read during the year, but had to give up due to lack of time.

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